Comfort zone

What does comfort zone mean?

Many people will have heard or read the advice: “Step out of your comfort zone!”. But what exactly does that mean? Comfort zone is defined as the mental zone in which someone feels comfortable and not threatened. When someone shows behavior that is within that person’s comfort zone, they will not feel challenged. In order to keep developing yourself, it’s probably beneficial to follow the advice to step outside your comfort zone from time to time. Self-development gives new energy and successfully challenging yourself to learn something new gives a feeling of pride in what you have achieved.

How can coaching help you with this?

The advice “step out of your comfort zone” is of course far from concrete. The challenge here is to draw up concrete steps that you can take to achieve your goals. A coach can be extremely helpful in this process. A coach can help you set up a personal plan with challenging but realistic goals. More and more people are engaged in self-development and that is a great goal. You can develop yourself in (almost) all aspects of your life, both business and private. For example, someone may be looking for more challenges at work and pursuing a long-sought promotion. The coach can help determine how the coachee can achieve these goals. In short, a coach can help convert wishes into goals and help someone achieve them.

What should be taken into account?

In order to maximise the effect of coaching, it is important that the coach matches the (preferences of the) coachee. For example, some coachees benefit greatly from a confrontational coach who takes a direct approach, while some people like the opposite. Everyone has their own preference and responds well to different styles. At Gingermood we find the coach that best suits your personality and preferences.

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